FS25 Autodrive courses Frechdachs Map BETA V1.0.0.0

FS25 Autodrive courses Frechdachs Map BETA V1.0.0.0
Autodrive Courses Frechdachs MapAll sales points and purchase stations have been retracted, around 70% of the fields have been retracted, the rest will follow in the final version.
– All fields added: All fields of the Frechdachs map are now integrated into the Autodrive courses.
– All sales and purchase stations included: All relevant sales and purchase stations have been included in the routes.
– All open spaces retracted: All open areas and free areas of the map are now accessible.
– All field access routes revised: Field access routes have been adjusted and optimized to ensure easy and efficient access.
Required mods:
Freche Dachskarte 4X
Agrargenossenchaft TBFW