FS25 Contract Boost V1.1.0.0

FS25 Other

FS25 Contract Boost V1.1.0.0

Boost your contracts by making more money, and allowing collection of the spoils!

– 50% more profit from every contract
– 10 max contracts
– 5 max contracts per type by default
– Allow setting a custom amount per type of contract
– 50 total contracts available
– Borrowed contract equipment comes with free fieldwork items to fill your tools
– Allow using swathing equipment on harvest contracts
– Allow collecting straw from harvest contracts
– Allow collecting grass from mowing contracts
– Allow collecting stones from plow, cultivate, and sowing contracts
– Allow collecting hay from tedding contracts
– Allow collecting straw bales from baling contracts
– Allow collecting wrapped silage bales from bale-wrapping contracts
– Allow cultivating on seeding contracts, just in case you mess up
– Allow windrowing on baling contracts, so you can use a worker to bale

All of the above settings can be modified in-game through the General Settings panel.
NOTE: Setting changes that may affect the reward or number of missions may *not* affect any already generated contracts.

– User contributed translations: cz, da, es, fr, it, pl, pt, ru
– Allow collecting hay from tedding contracts.
– Allow collecting straw bales from baling contracts.
– Allow collecting wrapped silage bales from bale-wrapping contracts.
– Added cultivator to seeding missions, just in case you mess up
– Added windrower to baling missions, so you can use a worker to bale.
– Added support customizing of the number of contracts for each type of contract individually, with the ability to “disable” contract types you don’t want to see.
– Added feature to remove already added fill items when the enableFieldworkToolFillItems setting is switched off
– Added feature to remove unwanted contracts when you change the customMaxPerType setting. This setting is executed both on game load and save.
– Added feature to “prefer” harvesting missions over baling missions as cereal-crop harvesting missions are less frequent due to the new straw baling missions.
– Added feature to enable or disable certain types of harvesting contracts.

ContractBoost settings are now managed in-game:
– All settings previously in the configuration file can be set in the General Settings panel in-game, and will be updated when saving your game.
– The new FS25_ContractBoost.xml configuration file in savegame folder should only be manually edited while game is not running.
– The old ContractBoost.xml configuration file in modSettings folder has been depreciated
– Settings have been rebuilt to support MP synchronization: The server is the source of truth for settings, clients receive settings on connect or change.


What is this Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mods use for:

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