FS25 Design Kit v1.0.0.7

FS25 Design Kit v1.0.0.7
This little addon extends the design options, currently for placeables. By default, placeables only have one color configuration and design configurations are handled through the solar panel configuration. This adds 8 more color and design configurations to that list. More can be configured through modDesc.
Placeables working with the previous Placeable Design Kit versions should continue to work with this version.
Note: It is advisable to use the vanilla color configuration section for the first selectable color and only use the design kit for additional color and design options. This way, the placeable will continue to work without this mod, and will be usable on console. The Design Kit xml entries will just be ignored by the game if this mod is not loaded.
- 8 additional pre-registered color configurations
- 8 additional pre-registered design configurations
- Ability to (optionally) add more color and design configurations through modDesc. Instructions in the sdk folder of this mod.
- Placeables can be reconfigured after placement, with some game limitations.
- Configurations are usually set when a placeable first loads, meaning a game restart may be required for certain configuration-dependent features to activate. The only other alternative would be to force reload the placeable, which would lose all of its contents since last save.
- Visual changes (i.e. color, translation, rotation, scale) are unaffected by this limitation.
- This only applies to placeables that are configured after being placed.
- New precision mode can be toggled while in the construction menu, which makes some fundamental camera changes
- Movement and zoom is slowed, allowing for more precise placement.
- Minimum zoom increased, allowing better view of objects at close range.
- Camera collision disabled, useful for redesigning interiors and placing objects inside of other objects.
- Edge scrolling is disabled while the configurations (i.e. color/design) menu is open to prevent the camera from moving away from the object being configured when selecting colors, etc.
- Configurations limit has been increased from 127 to 1023, so essentially removed.
- Shader parameters other than colorScale0 can be used with the color system.
- Game always uses colorScale0 by default
- Building shader can use “colorScale1” – “colorScale7”
- Vehicle shader simply uses “colorScale”.
Known Issues:
- When changing colors with the color wheel, the price does not always show in the configurations menu. You will still be charged for the change, with the price being the same as if you were to select a preset color. I haven’t yet figured out where the color wheel information is saved/used.
- The above mentioned after placement reconfiguration limitations.
That’s it! Keybinds are right shift + ? for reconfiguring existing placeables and right shift + P to toggle precision mode. These can be changed inside of the in-game menu controls section.