FS25 Ifa Double Cabin Brigade Multifruit v1.0.0.0

FS25 Ifa Double Cabin Brigade Multifruit v1.0.0.0
A multi crops harvester with a rear belt or pallet unloading.
- It is an expansion and conversion from the Ifa Double Cabin Brigade from Fs22 of GBF Modding.
- It have two engines, diesel and electric, two wheels configuration and color choices
- It’s the perfect machine for root crops and vegetables whitout selling a kidney in big equipements, or loosing your soul on the 1 row pulled harvesters.
- Autoload it’s suggested, but not mandatory, if you prefer to unload the crates instead of the loose crops into a trailer.
- It harvest sugarbeets, potatos, carrots, parsnips, redbeets, spinachs, peas and green beans in an old fashioned hand way.
IllGib, honved4