FS25 John Deere 6R Large Frame Series 2011 V1.0.0.0

FS25 John Deere 6R Large Frame Series 2011 V1.0.0.0
Today I present to you my John Deere 6R Large Frame Series 2011. They are nicely done and fully playable. I added some configurations from myself, for example the John Deere emblem on the hood and airhorns.
(With options for PowerQuad, AutoQuad, AutoPower, Direct Drive, AutoPower CommandArm, DirectDrive CommandArm transmissions)
(Fully animated transmissions)
Wheel brand config.
(Trelleborg, Mitas, Michelin, Continental, BKT, Vredestein)
Wheel config.
(4 Standard options-Wide)(+)(With wheel weights)(+)(Twin back wheels)/(Twin wheels)/(Twin (Back) Wheels+ (Narrows/+Twin (Back) Wheels/)
(3m spacing is also available on narrow wheels)
Front attacher config.
(Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-Front hydraulic-Front Hydraulic + PTO)
Versions config.
(Standard-2 Beacons-Warning Signs-2 Beacons+Warning Signs)
SCVs Configuration (not available on CommandArm transmissions)
Additional lights config.
(No-Front-Back-Side-Front Down/+All possible combinations)
Mirrors config. and moreeee
Szymeq, MO6R Modding, Udruzenje Nezavisnih Modera