FS25 Juice Box Custom Modpack V1.0.0.0

FS25 Juice Box Custom Modpack V1.0.0.0
This is a modpack, made from trailers, planters, and fertilizer equipment that I changed from the in game equipment.
Every single item in this modpack has been lowered in price.
I took some of the equipment in Farming Simulator 25 Base Game, and I modified the capacity of them.
sprayers, trailers, seeders, and planters.
I also made a couple of adjustments a seeder and a planter and changed both of them to hold all crops in the game.
I took the two base-game Amazone fertilizer spreaders and increased their capacity, I also added in the ability to fill the spreader with lime.
I hope you enjoy!
MrRely, GIANTS Software