FS25 Yurg’s Custom Pack V1.3.8.1

FS25 Yurg’s Custom Pack V1.3.8.1
Some ayatollahs, who believe that everyone should play like them, seem to have great fun giving a single star to any mod that does not interest them or does not seem real to them. Therefore, do not hesitate to rate the mod after you have tested it, and/or add a comment if something is not right for you.
[Bug] FS25 v1.6.0.0: Rudolf Harmann Big Cows Barn animal capacity regression
– update of `placeable.husbandry.animals#baseMaxNumAnimals` on all barns
– fillTypeCategories reverted back to BULK as this is an issue from GIANTS Software that we cannot fix on our own.
– warning added in shop description: “Choose capacity wisely, risk of collection loss if load is under 5%.”
– Known Issue added about Forage Wagons with a load of less than 5% [#166] [Enhancement] Valtra S Series: stability improvement
– additional weight option (from 0 to 9000kg)
– center of mass update if additional weight is used [Enhancement] Lizard Dragon: stability improvement
Lizard Dragon & Lizard Dragon Electric
– additional weight option (from 0 to 3000kg)
– center of mass update if additional weight is used
Lizard Dragon Electric
– 170hp motor now really have 170hp (instead of 240)
– new 340hp motor that really have 340hp
– old 340hp motor renamed using its real power value (612hp), on purpose hard-to-handle kart just for fun
Yurg, GIANTS Software