Futtermischer by Maddog v1.0 FS19

Futtermischer by Maddog v1.0 FS19
Standard feed mixing station and one with Maise + and FE Ready
Feed mixer and feed mixer M +
This is a feed mixing station that can be entered, in the area above you will find a display with the content
Feed mixer standard
The feed mixing system creates the optimal mixed ration for your cows from silage, straw and grass / hay.
The mix ratio is 50% silage, 20% straw and 30% grass.
M + Ready feed mixer
The FE feed mixing system consists of GPS (ensiled) – maize silage – grass silage,
Straw – alfalfa – clover silage and grass – hay – clover – fresh maize the optimal mixed ration for your cows.
The mix ratio is 50% GPS (ensiled) / maize silage / grass silage, 20% straw / alfalfa / clover silage and 30% grass / hay / clover / fresh maize
You still need the Global Company and M + and FE Mod to operate the station for M + – FE
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Blender 2.92 Maddog Giants Software