Gariep South Africa v010 FS19

Gariep South Africa v010 FS19
Map features:
4x map, Multifruit (Carrot, onion, cabbage, red cabbage, lettuce, hops, tobacco, alfalfa, rye, spelt, poppy, millet) Many sell points, special animal feeds, massive fields (Largest is 190Ha), Custom cows with 500 head stable. Wheened Calves paddock (grow your calves for 2 or 3 seasons then move them to the Cow stable). Lime quarry with free lime. Anhydrous Amonia plant and added mods for transport and applying to fields, Seasons ready. Precision farming ready, Great Startup fleet.
1. Added
2 new farms
2.Added Anhydrous Amonia
3. Added Wheened Calf Pen (you can put 50 wheened calves here and then transfer to the Cow stable after 2 or 3 seasons)
4. Added 3 new fields
5. Added 1 more sell point Wendy’s Icecream
6. Added Lime quarry
7. Changed the animal feeds, now more types of feed for animals available
8. Maize or corn can now be mowed and fed straight to animals or put into the clamp for silage
9. Corn can now produce straw
10. Shop upgraded and Barn upgraded.
11. Fix dam horizon and a few trees in fields as well as the water.
12. Shed on Farm 2 has a new matching surface to the machine shed
Giants, Global company, Farmer Andy (calves) ItsPooopFace (Anhydrous)
will not down load,the map has an error in it
please mod morris-commercial truck pleaseeeeeeeeeeee