Hawke’s Bay NZ Map v1.4 FS19

Hawke’s Bay NZ Map v1.4 FS19
Ok guy’s, I have managed to add compost into Hawke’s Bay NZ map. You will need Neale Green compost place-able mod to be able to produce compost. I have made a sell point at Manure sale spot and also it’s own compost sell point.. You use the manure trailer spreader on your fields. The only thing is you cannot have settings where AI helper buys as it spreads on field. It will only work with AI helper as you use it.I added farm silo into the map so no need to unzip any files as this has compost added to it as well. hope you enjoy it. Big thank you to Papa smurfs Compost mod. If this is not to your liking. Delete it. To the rest
This map has a rar file that needs to be unziped. Inside is 2 ziped files. One is the map, the other is the multifruit silo. add them to your mod file and when you start your game, the silo will be on the farm. NOTE: You will have to replace my older silos as they have not got extra fruits in them. You should not need to start from new game but back up your saved game just in case. If this is not to your liking. Delete it. To the rest, Enjoy. Cheers. Cazz64
Thanks to Mike at GnG Modding. Also thankyou to Kentuckian JD and BOB Wrangler. Also thanks to a couple of facebook group members Doug and Geoff for helping run tests on map.
XML FILE CORRECTED: Sorry for the stuff up guys. xml files have been corrected and tested for all sellpoints working fine now.
Hey guys, This map is based around where I live. The fields are a bit hilly but I have left them open so you can join them up.I really enjoyed doing this one as I started to add areas in that I remembered as a kid. JD did some videos of me building this map. Your eqipment is a bit run down as I based it as a inheritance that was left to you. The fence on the farm can be cut down if its not to your liking as well as the hedges. Gates on the farm are place ables as well. I am now getting back into another 4x map and hope you enjoy this standard size one. I would like to thank Mike from GnG Modding for his help. Also and big thankyou to Kentuckian JD and BOB Wrangler for testing it and videos.
Giants, Cazz64