Irgendwo in Thuringen 2 v1.0.0.0 FS19
Irgendwo in Thuringen 2 v1.0.0.0 FS19
Welcome to Thuringia,
Here is my new map for the LS19. This time it is a 4-fold map. Based on Google maps and elevation model was created. The landscape reflects a real area.
Short and sweet:
– High model, fields, forest and roads created by google earth
– 121 buyable parcels
# 60 fields from small to large
# 40Wälder
# 5 Courtyards 4 with BGA
# 16 meadows
-Three little villages
-KI traffic (Does not take him the right of way)
-2 purchase for fertilizer, seeds, lime
-3 lakes for water extraction
-Houses already have halls and silos.
Have fun playing.
can’t load the map!!
The map don’t load 🙁 🙁 i used the mod inside & copy items for Single Player game
this map does not work!
So ein Schrott eine Frechheit jemandem sowas anzubieten!!!
Die Map lädt nicht mal ordentlich und ist nicht spielbar.
Bitte um Stellungnahme!!!!
Na mal wieder keine Ahnung wie man eine datei entpackt? Die map läuft super wenn man der Anweisung im Titel folgt!
the map does not work because the map.i3d file is missing
Okay, i made the mod Animal Species so i will look about this map because she look awesome 🙂
like Clover Creek (look on web, normally it will be soon uploaded somewhere i gave links)
Also mal bitte etwas sachte. Hier wird viel Arbeit kostenlos angeboten. Ok, die Map funktioniert nicht (auch bei mir nicht). Das ist aber keine Frechheit, sondern erstmal nur – hm, sagen wir Pech. Sicher hat der Autor es bei sich zu hause getestet und für gut befunden. Und sicher wird er sich Gedanken machen, warum sie bei den Usern nicht funktioniert. Und ganz sicher möchte der Autor, dass seine Map funktioniert und andere sich darüber freuen, sie spielen zu können.
HERE IT IS !! I finnally found the map somewhere on the web without the missing file… look like the guy understood that mod sites are paraziting download link to put all files under their account to make money…
Take this map.i3d >> open you zip (dont unzip) then put the file into the “maps” directory > it will load !!
But there is a little problem > NPC fields are very little (missions are not set up too but even if you activate its useless > all NPC field are under 1 hectare, the definition is not finished :/ )
Arg i’m not sure i commented :/ So i found the tip ! The user didnt put the map.i3d ! Here is the link !
Just open (not unzip) the map ZIP > put the i3d file unzipped into the MAPS directory > it will load !!
But NPC fields are not finished and < 1 hectare, mission arent set but useless because of unfinished definition of fields, but can be used in multiplayer 🙂
Where must i put the i3 file ?
Into the “MAPS” directory IN the zip file of the map 🙂
Ty got it to work but the No grain prices or sell points?
Hi love the map but i see no sell point ? or it this patch1.3 doing?
Like the map but where are the triggers for the cow pastures? Can find the trigger to buy the cows.