ISRK-12 Master version v1.0 FS19

ISRK-12 Master version v1.0 FS19
Grinder mixer dispenser of feed ISRK-12 “Khozyain” is intended for preparation (regrinding and mixing), transportation and distribution of feed mixtures according to a given program from various components, using an electronic weighing system of the feed mixture. Carrying capacity: 4000 kg. Capacity: 12 cubic meters It is aggregated with tractors of class 1.4. A tractor with an adjustable linkage is recommended.
Mod features:
– The choice of the main color;
– Choice of wheel rim color;
– Choice of design color;
– Choice of wheels: Belshina, Kf-97;
– Gets dirty, wear is present;
– The log is clean.
Никита Собченко, Siberian