KrAZ-258 v1.1 FS19

KrAZ-258 v1.1 FS19
KrAZ-258 is a 6×4 truck made by the Soviet manufacturer KrAZ. It was produced from 1966 to 1989. The vehicle is the variant of the KrAZ-257 as a truck unit.
Since 1977, an improved version of this truck has been produced – KrAZ-258B2.
KrAZ-258 is one of the most famous Soviet trucks.
– Price: 37,000.
– 2 Engines: Standard: 240 hp. 67 km/h and Improved: 240 hp. 82 km/h.
– Configuration of design.
– Configuration of license plate.
– Color selection: main, design, rims.
– Configuration of tires.
– Universal Passenger ready.
v. Changelog:
– Added new tires (Street, offroad, mud)
– Wear/dirt slightly revised
– Minor corrections