LIZARD Direkt Futteranlage v1.0 FS19

LIZARD Direkt Futteranlage v1.0 FS19
LIZARD direct feeding system. With this system you can feed yourself or bought pig feed automatically. Set up to 4 lead times.
This system can be placed quickly and optically suitable for every pigsty. In order to be a filled bunker, the cover flap must first be left out from the side. This system only works with ready-made pig feed.
Technische Daten:
Kosten: 135000
Bunker / Silo Sicherheit: 400000 l
Fütterung Rate: 100000 L.
Unterhaltskosten: 10 € / Tag
Abmessungen: ca. 19 x 7 m
Rohstoffe: Schweinefutter (Schaufel / Hänger / Big Bag)