Mayrath Grain Auger v1.0 FS19
Mayrath Grain Auger v1.0 FS19
Mayrath Grain Auger trailer mod for Farming Simulator 19 game, pc version only and console later.
Mod details:
Title: Mayrath Grain Auger
Price: 25500
Lifetime: 600
Type: auger Wagons
Not my mod but i do have permission to upload and (DO NOT UPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE)
Credits:Brad Squire Bcbulher killerrf alfalfa6945
Just an F.Y.I
this mod does not show up in mod menu after download.
With or without other mods.
is there a bin mod that will work with this auger?
use the batco conveyor and that will work with the gsi grain bin pack