Mercedes Benz Trac 1000-1100 v1.1 FS19

Mercedes Benz Trac 1000-1100 v1.1 FS19
Cylinder added to the dials
left door opens now
GPS was installed
Toolbox added in the interior
Texture on the hand throttle lever fixed
Many little things on the model changed and added
An MB Trac from Mercedes Benz.
This is a pack where the MB Trac 1000 and 1100 is included.
The model has six configurations:
tire Manufacturer
tire variant
Front loader attachments
Shims (front and back)
Exhaust and widening configuration
engine configuration
So that should be it first of the MB Trac and as I said this is actually the model of the MB Trac 1000 Intercooler just completely revised
Thanks to Bremi456 and Bertl123 for the release: thanks :: thanks :: thanks:
Thanks to Krifi99 and lukix01 for the help: thanks :: thanks :: thanks:
Thanks to the community supporting the MB Trac: thanks :: thanks :: thanks:
But now have fun with the MB Trac;)
Grundmodell (MB Trac 700-900): Bertl123Karosserie,Unterbau und Felgen: Bremi456Zusammenbau: Zinoz LPHilfe: lukix01, Krifi99Sound: lukix01, GSIFlash, Zinoz LP