Mining & Construction Economy v0.4 Platinum FS19

Mining & Construction Economy v0.4 Platinum FS19
Logchange v0.4 Platinum:
– New Mine for Clay Extraction
– New Mine for Lithium Extraction
– New facility for bricks production
– New facility for Lithium production
– Removed some pallets from store
– Toutvenant texture impovement
– Align Aspahlt and Concrete trigger
– Lime selling Points (Train & truck)
– Increased some sell Prices
– New Diesel Storage on Mine 3
– BoardPallets sell points compatible with sawmill placeable (bretter)
– New type of triggers for Gold, Steel, Grapejuice, Portwine, RedWine, Stonegarden.
– Reduced Diesel comsuption on Riversand processor
– Increased Cement production and decrease Lime Production
– Some visual changes
If you are farming simulator purist then this map is not for you, because this map has many tasks to do instead of cultivating, harvesting, feeding animals etc.
This map is a modification of Estancia Lapacho.
Warning: Very Important, you need Global Company mod on your mods folder, if you don´t have Global Company mod on your mods folder the map will not work correctly.
You can find Global Company mod on Giants modhub
This version do not support Seasons mod, if you play the map with Seasons mod selected, the game does not start.
Remember, you can post, upload and edit the map, but don´t forget the modeling and the ideas on the map is not yours, so respect my work and give me the credits.
Special thanks to SurfDuck Modding for helping me on some mods and test the map.
To understand how the map works visit my youtube channel (Nonnus) and see the videos “FS19 Lets”.
NOTE: All placeable mods I use on my map have a Autor and the credits is on the map.
Creator/ideas: NonnusTester: SurfDuck Modding and all my youtube channel subscribers (access v0.1).
cant be downloaded
thank you. I have fixed a link 😉
link not working
hey, updated a link with the newest version.
bonjour quand je veux le telecharger le maps mining construction sa veux pas comment faire merci cordialement
Hi I would like to make more changes to this map so we can build houses, houses from 0 to 100 to 100 and roads all the same.
Enlarge map.
And in a place the truck does not fit under the rail.
what map has mining on it
Zdravím.Jak zprovoznit Těžbu a stavební ekonomiku? Výkupy nereagují vykládková mí třeba něco doinstalovat?pokud ano tak kde díky.Pavel
And a brick factory bca (prefabricated) but we still work to manufacture and pour concrete.
And make a point of sale lime.
Învățați să pronunțați
October 30th 2019…Still can’t be downloaded
hey, updated a link with the newest version.
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Pls dowland volkswagen amarok and new passat
Cant find the Ferry on the map, somebody knows where it is ?
Ich habe einige Mine Rohstoffen komplett abgebaut. Woher bekommt die kompletten abgebauten Rohstoffe wieder? Entstehen die abgebauten Rohstoffe von alleine wieder oder gibt es einen bestimmten Mod die hier helfen würde?
I have completely mined some mine raw materials. Where does the complete mined raw material get back? Are the mined resources coming back by themselves or is there a specific mod that would help?
I need more mining resources of all kinds. Please help me. Will the raw materials reappear on their own or do I need a specific mod?
Hallo, die Karte ist echt eigentlich supergut, nur auf Server hat sie 140 fehler 🙁 leider
Amazing job !
I have notice a problem : The stonegarden sell point is not on the map.
Hello I need help uploading this from my iPad to my Xbox 1s
Hope you can help thank you