Mod Updates by Stevie FS19

Mod Updates by Stevie FS19
All have extended repair intervals, small fixes and more.
Sell off the old ones in game then delete the old zips from your mods folder. Unzip the dowloaded file and place the new zips into your mods folder, load the game and activate them where needed in your mods panel.
Amazone Cenius 80032TX.
Bratner TA23071.
Lely Hibiscus.
IDEAL combine set.
Komatsu XC931.
Merge MAxx 902.
Poetinger HIT1214t.
Rapide 8400W.
Rubicon 9000.
Fendt Tigo XR75D.
Your mods are brilliant. Good work.
Hey Stevie , I love all you mods and I use you mods. can you pleas make one combine header, which would be biger than 13,7 m. I always play the game alone and love to have biger tools. thank you, love you work.