Placeable Yard – Place as never before!
Hello. A small Christmas gift from the team “Modding World”!
With our mod, you can build your yard, how you dreamed.
During construction, we made it very important that almost all buildings could be placed inside each other.
Warning: sometimes it is quite difficult and requires practice. It is better to check this before you start.
To make this possible, alignment has been disabled. D, b, you must adjust the terrain for each building. Otherwise, it may be natural that the object floats in the air.
Please note!
We did not use hosted grass. Unfortunately, I did not have time to make a pasture for sheep, it is missing. All other animals are included in the pack.
Pack consists of 41 buildings and facilities.
Pure log.
The Modding World team wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Version 1.3 for Farming Simulator 2019 (v1.2.x):
– Redesigned roof for rain;
– Reduced grass pigsty;
– Recycled all the stables;
– Fixed silage collision;
– Fixed a collision of the wholesale warehouse;
– Revised level;
– Improved house;
– Added lights.
– Fence textures adapted to cow pasture without a stable;
– A pile of cow dung should also work;
– Increased the entrance to the farm house;
– Clipdistance is adapted to senazh;
– Shelter on the farm is located on the rear wall;
– Tx files deleted (For server);
– Farmhouse window deleted.
Do any of the silos convert grass, straw or chaff into silage?
Bruger Big silo multifruit til at have diverse ting der, men kan ikke få dem ud af siloen ingen, hvad gør jeg ?
bonjour si possible avoir un support pour le manure system serait génial