Placeable Raiffeisen sale V1.0.0.2

Placeable Raiffeisen sale V1.0.0.2
This is a Placeable Place mod to sell your maps with some deco objects around it.
Fill Types: wheat barley rape sunflower soybean maize potato sugarBeet fertilizer manure seeds forage forage_mixing chaff woodChips silage straw pigFood grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow liquidFertilizer water milk digestate liquidManure fuel wool oat lime sugarCane
Price: 11812
Type: placeable
GIANTS, Blacky_85
Doesn’t work. Says: ” Not enough money “
Cannot buy, lists correct price at 11,812 but when trying to place the price goes to -999,999,999 and
refuses purchase.
When trying to place, the price changes to ( -999,999,999 ) and says you do not have enough money.