Placeable Straw Barn v3.0 FS19

FS19 Objects

Placeable Straw Barn v3.0 FS19

Nice and clean barn that works as a selling point for straw, grass, hay & silage. The Building has automatic lighting.

– Added button for warning stripes, these can now be turned off without using the UI.
– Added support for some mod Filltypes.
– Added support for MaizePlus.
– Added support for Straw Harvest Addon.
– Made the Building slightly bigger to make it easier with big trailers.
– It’s now possible to sell further from the door, for tippers that unload by raising the trailer.

Selling prices for each product will fluctuate and show up on the PDA.

Price: 50.000€
Size: 18 x 23 Meters

-The Buildings supports “Seasons”, “Courseplay Six” & “MaizePlus”.

Note: If you have it placed on your map you need to buy it again or fix it by changing the info in FarmingSimulator2019/savegame§§/items.xml. (§§ = Savegame number)
-from: modName=”FS19_StrawBarn_SellingSpot” filename=”$moddir$FS19_StrawBarn_SellingSpot/StrawBarn_SellingSpot(_Dark,White).xml”
-to: modName=”FS19_StrawBarn_SellingSpot” filename=”$moddir$FS19_StrawBarn_SellingSpot/data/StrawBarn_SellingSpot(_Dark,White).xml”

– Added L10N functions and name so it’s more understandable for all people, this was prevoisly just in english.
– Updated the mod with more languages.
– Created new Decal textures & added shaders to the building.
– Added node for Interactive Zone Markers. (Warningstripes can now be turned on and off).
– Updated to support Seasons mod.
– New Names for all Buildings.

EDGE Gaming

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