Placeables – the core of Farming Simulator 2019

Placeables – the core of Farming Simulator 2019
FS 19 will bring new joys and tools, machinery, buildings and other stuff that previous game versions didn’t have. But the emphasis this time will be put on placeables. Why? Because the new Farming Simulator 19 will have a new feature – farming creation from scratch. Silos, sheds, stables and other placeables will become the most wanted FS19 mods once the game is released. Mod creators, keep that in mind, and start working on your best FS19 placeable mods right now!
Also, as Giants decided to put more emphasis on the farm creation, we might also expect to see more placeables in the original game version. And due to rumours about Giants and mod creators collaborations, it might be that a great variety of FS19 mods will be released on the game launch day as well.
Credits:Farming Simulator 2019 mods