Portugal sul map v1.0 FS19

FS19 Maps

Portugal sul map v1.0 FS19

South Portugal, Portuguese map with relief and base design not South of Portugal, precisely in the Alentejo region.

Or map with 21 fields.
23 Products: Wheat, Cevada, Aveia, Algodão, Canola, Girassol, Soy, Milho, Batatas, Beterraba, Rabanete japonês, Choupo, Erva, Cana-de-açucar, hops, ervilha, azeitona, amendoas, amendoim, white grapes, grapes inks, cafe e trevo

14 Sales Points strategically placed for the maximum benefit of the map so that they also have the possibility of purchasing products such as Fertilizer and seeds.
1 Purchase point for lime
1 Product transformation factory

It also has you animais, Vacas, Porcos, Ovelhas and Galinhas em espaço aberto.

The fifth is equipped with a large grain silo, bale storage and 3 silos for fertilizer, seed and lime.


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Best FS19 Maps mods

1 Response

  1. DS19 says:

    Viva, o map está excelente, parabéns.
    Reparai num pormenor que falta no código do mapa (map.xml) o ‘paintableFoliages’ para a relva ser adicionada/pintada etc. no ‘Paisagismo’.

    [code update para ajuda > file: map.xml]

    Pode sempre haver uma versão melhorada também noutros pormenores.


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