Praga V3S v1.0 FS19

Praga V3S v1.0 FS19
Czechoslovak military truck from the 1950s
Compatibility with GIANTS Horsch Pack, Bag’n’Lifter Pack and others many different platforms and functions.
Model: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherTexture: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherScript: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherIdea / Concept: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherTesting: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and otherOther: Hark, Bull Core, Lukasino, Chestiik, Aaa modding, BSM, GIANTS, and other
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