RASSVET Map v2.9.7.1 FS19

RASSVET Map v2.9.7.1 FS19
Modification management:
The door opens with the left mouse button.
Advantages of the modification:
Clean log file adapted to the seasons
Additional information:
Big map BGA Fields purchased of various sizes. Animals: sheep, chickens, cows and pigs There is an initial technique Mountainous terrain Aligned with the global company Sand quarry Many breweries You need to buy a building to use it In v2.9.7.1 modified Adapted to the Seasons mod More purchase points added Improved sawmill, can produce pallets Potato wash added Pellet plant added Improved dairy products, making cheese and yogurt Bakery added to bake bread The mill added, it is possible to grind the grain.
Model: ben686Texture: ben686Script: ben686Idea / Concept: ben686Testing: ben686Other: ben686
This mod looks and feels great! its nice seeing something different from Western European, Polish and North American maps. I have been waiting for a Russian style map like this.
However I have noticed a few bugs. I cant sell the wood at the sawmill and I cant refuel my tractors or portable tanks at the gas station. I click their respective buttons at those areas and it wont activate refueling or selling.