Realistic Heavy Rain and Thunder Sounds v1.1 FS19

Realistic Heavy Rain and Thunder Sounds v1.1 FS19
Realistic Storm sounds For FS19 (Like Rain and Thunder)
NEW 1.1:
Added a backup set – this contains all the original sound files, and you dont need to worried if messed up with the sound files!
For who want a real and high quality sounds and bored of the default rain sounds?
I make an 5 Minutes long Thunder and Rain sound ogg file so you can fun in the heavy storm!
– High Quality and Long Thunder Sounds
– Better and Stronger Rain Sounds
Added new files –
thunder1.ogg (already include in the initial release 1.0)
The game ifself count 5 types of in_map thunder sounds and random choose one of them when start raining, the thunder1.ogg is one thats everybody change when wants some new sounds, but is rarely choosing by the game! Change every thunder and xml files to hear always the custom real rain and thunder sounds on your map.
If you want the replace the default one’s please go to the :
Farming Simulator 19 / data / sounds / maps / environment / shared / in_map
and change the thunder1.ogg, thunder2.ogg, thunder3.ogg, thunder4.ogg, thunder5.ogg, to the new one on the zip
and also if you want the change the map xml sounds:
Farming Simulator 19 / data / sounds / maps / environment / shared / xml and replace the
rain_weak, rain1 rain2 files
But i found this sounds changes now, firstly like the xml is preferred for advanced users!
BEFORE YOU DO THIS MAKE A BACKUP OF THE DEFAULT sound files or use the backup that includes in this pack ! !!
Future updates:
more type or version of thunder sounds
new wind sound and adding more accurate interior and cabin rain sounds!