RealLifeNumbers v1.2.2.0 FS19

FS19 Other

RealLifeNumbers v1.2.2.0 FS19

This mod has three main objectives:
1.  To define a game environment mimicking real-life farming in a well-defined area.
2.  To enable players to individualize the game using a simple editor.
3.  To provide a game planning tool for the player who wants to do a pre-game setup.

Prediction of feed crop volume, number of bales and feed hectares reintroduced.
Rescaling of bale volumes have been removed, allowing multiple bale sizes on a map.
Vehicle running cost controllable by user.
Animal upkeep controllable by user.
Property maintenance controllable by user.
A new day-by-day leasing option has been added to allow farmers to hire a contractor (helper + equipment) to do specific jobs, like harvesting root crop.

The approach to renting fields has changed. Now all renting contracts terminate by default on the first day of mid-winter. From the following day and onwards you can either renew the rent contract or rent other fields. The rent cost is now proportional to the duration of the rent contract.
Bale volume now depends on the size parameters of the bale.
A bug with plow and cultivation contracts has been fixed.
Fertilizer contracts on fields which has already been fertilized may not be possible. The origin of this issue is unknown.

The mod has been updated to work with the Seasons mod by Realimus Modding. The models for animal breeding and growth as well as the model for crop growth have been removed so not to conflict with the improved the models implemented in Seasons.
The script for adjusting service intervals have also been removed to avoid conflicts with same feature in the Seasons model.

The present version is a preliminary version without predicting information (objective 3) for feed and bale needs. I hope to reintroduce this feature in a later version.
The mod exists in different flavors, each representing real-life crop yield and price levels in a specific geographic area. Currently there are flavors for Germany, UK, and US Heartland.
A manual (in English) is included within the zip file.
It is unclear to what extent the Seasons mod will overwrite the game parameters defined in this mod. Please report back any signs of a possible conflict in this regard.

Script: Kaj-Aage Henneberg/ArmChairFarmingIdea / Concept: Kaj-Aage Henneberg/ArmChairFarmingTesting: Kaj-Aage Henneberg/ArmChairFarming

What is this Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mods use for:

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