Riverview v2 HD 0.0.3a FS19
Riverview v2 HD 0.0.3a FS19
Riverview v2 HD map mod by Cheva for Farming Simulator 19 game, pc version only.
Functional Farm Based on real terrain.
HD version by Cheva, alpha test.
New HD textures, new trees at different stages and collisions on the bushes removed 🙂
Cavalier Roy, Forgotten Plants, NEFG Modding, BD_Modding, Cheva.
Hi there, I love the map, but as far as I can see, there are no sell points? How do you sell your produce so that you can progress? Sorry if I’m missing something really obvious.
Thanks ! It’s a great map. You did good job 🙂
Yet another map released with no sellpoints.
Yh I don’t understand that, what’s the point?
ale můžeÅ¡ si pÅ™ece postavit svoje prodejnà body po celé mapÄ›…
make a sellpoint plz