Slurry feeder pack EPH v1.0 FS19
Slurry feeder pack EPH v1.0 FS19
– new decals (corresponding to the original of the Hahnennest energy park) MAN and Kotte Garant
– The decals all new and specially made for the models
– The standard water tanker MSK8 rebuilt to a 20m³ feeder and provided with new decals
– All machines have different marks
– all machines have a color choice (the CASE IH red comes closest to the original)
Giants Software GmbHPublisher: Forbidden-ModsProjektumsetzung (Decals & Modelumbau): Hunter4987 [FBM]Tester: FBM TeamUnterstützer und Logo Bereitsellung: Energiepark Hahnennest