Suedhemmern Multifruit v1.5.0 FS19

FS19 Maps

Suedhemmern Multifruit v1.5.0 FS19

V 1.5.0: With the activation of Modhoster, cabbage, red cabbage, rye and spelled are available as further types of fruit. For the cabbage varieties a harvesting pack (Grimme Varitron-Light) is enclosed. A full version with color choice (so you can distinguish the harvester) and larger volume.

The triggers on the seed and the fertilizer have been separated so that the seeders can now easily be filled with both.

The reset point for the vehicles is disconnected from the dealer and is now in the yard. When buying still at the dealer.

There is a BaleMaster that makes loose goods from bales (straw, hay, grass) that can be removed at the pipe.

The camps have been expanded to include the new fruits, see caption.

There are new outlets at the flour mill, at the LEDLI and Feinkost AG.

The pallet spreader at the sheep was enlarged, it can now stand 8 pallets.

In addition, the decoration was complemented, the barbed wire fences reduced, bushes inserted and minor bugs eliminated.

A new game must be started. Description for the rescue of the stock is below. I have attached a text file describing the items that need to be inserted or exchanged (it takes some experience).

V 1.2.1: The additional fruits and fruits are now displayed correctly in the list; the pallet spreader for the wool has been rechecked and works flawlessly; In our tests (SP and MP on the server), the LUA error could not occur now and I hope that this is the case for all, otherwise the below applies. Fixed some more minor bugs.

1.2.1 will not require a new score compared to 1.2.0. If you come from an older version, you also need one here (see description below).

V 1.2.0: With the activation of Modhoster, tobacco and hops are available as additional fruits. The sowing is carried out with the help of traditional seeders, harvesting with a combine harvester with maize header, transport in normal tippers.

Again, the NOTE below is for growth.

In V 1.2.0 I did not add the carrots and onions harvesters, if you need them you can download the V 1.1.0.

A new game is needed, otherwise the new sales stations can not be exchanged. BUT you can use the old SaveGame if you do the following:

1. Start a new game and immediately save and cancel.
2. Search the items.xml in the SaveGame and open them with Notepad ++.
3. After the entries sellingStationBrewery and
Selling cigar factory and looking for the WHOLE entry
copy between <item … and … </ item>
4. These entries in the items.xml of the old SaveGames at the very end
5. Look for the highest id in the SaveGame and the id of the two
increase new entries by 1 or 2. There must be no id. Twice
6. Save and done.

V 1.1.0: Once this version of Modhoster is unlocked, onions and carrots can be grown as supplementary fruits. There are also two harvests available, which Tom has adapted to the fruits. The warehouses (in the case of potatoes and sugar beets) have been expanded accordingly and outlets have been set up.

The seeding machines are to be used for sowing. There the fruits are registered automatically.

NOTE: In the growth of the new fruits will inevitably appear an LUA entry in the LOG. This error can also be repeated but has no effect on the game. When the plants are mature and you save, the mistake is gone and will not come back. THERE IS NO FAILURE OF THE MAP, BUT A BUG IN THE GAME. The map was at Giants and they recognized the BUG in the game. This will be fixed according to Giants with the next patch. Until then, it is also not possible to dump the fruits everywhere, also that should be possible through the next patch.

Since it has no negative consequences in the game, I have decided to publish the version, because you do not know when the patch comes.

V 1.0.0: For the new year I present you the Südhemmern map for the LS 19. The main courtyard is equipped with warehouses for all types of fruit, straw, grass, hay. There are also storage facilities for manure, liquid manure and milk.

At the farm are the species cows, pigs, sheep and chickens, the horses are outsourced to the horse farm. There are 4 pet traders, but each act only one species. The cows can be found in Hille, the pigs in Hartum, the horses in the south and the sheep on the connecting road next to the Landi.

At the farm you can buy fertilizer, seeds, crop protection and lime directly at a lower price. In Hille, there are.


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2 Responses

  1. DemonRaven says:

    please include picture of map to quz i dont want to download mod to find that i dont like fields layout and later delet it

  2. Stephan says:

    meine Kühe produzieren inzwischen auf dem Hof in Südhemmern einiges an Gülle. Wo kann ich die Gülle zum Abtransport abholen?

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