Triple Wide T4-40 MultiFruit Pack v1.0 FS19

Triple Wide T4-40 MultiFruit Pack v1.0 FS19
Triple Wide T4-40 MultiFruit Pack with a T4-40 Cotton Machine and Header.
This is a modified T4-40 harvester and header setup. Made the headers 16.7m wide and foldable.
Added potato and sugarcane to the beet harvester and made seperate headers for all 3 crops.
Added decals to the back of all the headers to help tell them apart.
Raised the capacity on the T4-40 to 60,000 and speed the working speed of the headers up to 12mph/20kph.
This Pack includes:
– HOLMER HR 12 16.7m Sugarbeet (Combine)
– HOLMER HR 12 16.7m Cotton (Combine)
– HOLMER HR 12 16.7m Potato (Combine)
– HOLMER HR 12 16.7m Sugarcane (Combine)
– HOLMER Terra Dos T4-40 MultiFruit (Harvester)
– HOLMER Terra Dos T4-40 Cotton (Harvester)
– WILSON Pacesetter Custom (Multifruit trailer)
– SCHUITEMAKER SIWA 720 Custom (Multifruit trailer)
Made a separate T4-40 harvester and header setup just for cotton.
Lowered the price of the T4-40 cotton harvester to be were when the header is bought with it it is slightly cheaper than the ingame cotton harvester.
On the cotton harvester there is no unloading effect from the belt as giants never ment cotton to be a loose product like made it.
Modified a semi trailer and a trailer designed to be pulled by a tractor to hual all the crops that the pack can harvest.
NcRaiders, Giants
Please Raised the capacity on the T4-40 to 2500000 and speed of the headers up to 26mph
Thank You.
lol it’s fine the way it is.
Can You Please Raise the capacity on the T4-40 Harvester to 250,0000 and the working speed of the headers up to 26mph/42kph. If Possible. Thank You.
Great mod. But where and how do i unload and sell ?
Just used the potato header. It harvests great, but ZERO potatoes go into unit and just disappear from field. Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a cotton trailer for the unbale cotton? if so, where do I get the mod for it?