UniRefill Station by Cheva v1.0.1 FS19
UniRefill Station by Cheva v1.0.1 FS19
UniRefill Station Rent/Ownship. 10,000 per day/300,000 total plus terraforms. All unit prices +15%/+10% from average.
– Area for installation (terraforms): 5×5 (10×10) meters
– Units: seeds, lime, liquidFertilizer, Fertilizer, herbicide, manure, wheat, barley, canola, sunflower, soybean, maize, potato, sugarBeet, grass, oilseedRadish, oat, rye, spelt, triticale, millet, sorghum, carrot, onion lettuce, redCabbage, cabbage, hops, sugarCane, poppy, cotton, silage, forage, pigfood, woodchips, tarp, cowfood, liquidmanure, slurry, straw, grass, drygrass_windrow, haypellets, strawpellets, milk, grass_windrow, compost, digestate, fuel , chaff, sugar, water
– Cost of purchase and installation: 1.00 + terraforms
– Service and rental: 10,000 / day
– Prices: 15% higher than the average on the map
– Cost of purchase and installation: 300,000 + terraforms
– Service and rental: 1.00 / day
– Prices: 10% higher than the average on the map
Wolly, Cheva
This thing has serious issues with refilling, it always wants to put fertilizer in my planter instead of seed,
10k day rent? ridiculous!
10k calculated as 15 days for 150k price. and what is 15 days in FS19? calculate growing time, 6 hours per state, 4 states to harvest, 24h = 1 year (!) of real time.
And about filling bug. i know this issue, and any known multifruit filler have this bug with seeder trigger, not with filler. i do use separate fertilizer-only filler (pack from modplug or in-game “mods” section) to fill my seeders. or You can fill another seeder and unload it to refill that You need.