Volksbrunn v3xbyBiface FS19
Volksbrunn v3xbyBiface FS19
Here I offer you the map Volksbrunn to download.
Version 3.0 Seasons ready
The start field has been changed.
The courtyard was slightly redesigned and enlarged.
Several routes have been created on the map. (Abbreviations)
The mud mod was installed. Can be painted with the internal landscaping tool.
Texture labels for the internal landscaping tool have been added.
The Volksbrunn is a converted Felsbrunn Standard Map.
A complete new farm was created elsewhere with all the animals on the farm.
The dealer moved near the yard.
Where the fields 4 and 5 were is now a large, flat meadow.
There are also better launch vehicles.
Please keep in mind that on the map could still be mistakes!
I always try to fix them in a timely manner.
I hope you have a little fun with the map.
Original Map: GiantsRedi90: WaschplatzKastor: Kuh und Schweine FarmVertexDezign: Leimbinderhalle und TankstelleRealismus Modding: Seasons ModGtx: Animal Pen Extensionderelky: Schlamm Mod + TexturbeschriftungEdward`s Modding: Airplane & Helicopter Animations