W.I.P Rookery Farm Map in Farming Simulator 19

W.I.P Rookery Farm Map in Farming Simulator 19
Hi and welcome to my new map. A while ago I did a poll on my Facebook page on what maps you would like converted for Fs19 and my plans are to convert in this order Sandy bay, Oakfield , Shamrock.
I know myself that converted maps never have that same feel as a brand new one so I set out to make a single player map for the community and myself to enjoy at the beginning of Fs19.
With giants making leaps and bounds in graphical quality and features in Fs19 I sat down for a while thinking of how I can improve my maps for the next generation.
Welcome to Rookery farm which is set in Hampshire Uk , this map is a real place like Oakfield but made with more precision and is far more streamlined and polished.
With this map i have used “Dorsets” way of making a dem which in my opinion is very accurate and probably the best but takes longer to do. There are 2 farms that will be fully modelled along with 2 stables (ready for you to place your horse placeable’s) 2 sell points and all other Fs19 features. In the picture you can get the general idea of the layout.
When will the map be ready please
I like sandy bay was a good on the first layout was the best
gosto do mapa
I’d really like to play this map, I’d be happy to take it as a beta!
Sandy Bay is already on on the in-game modhub for all platforms!