Wonderland Multifruit MP-ready v1.2.2.0 FS19

Wonderland Multifruit MP-ready v1.2.2.0 FS19
Welcome to the Wonderland V1.1 (MP)
Version Multifruit MP-ready
Multiplayer capable
Log bug fixed
Details edited
Nitrado server tested
This is a Multi Fruit 4-fold map of the LS 2019
It is decorated with many details, 33 field missions, 19 forests, traffic and lots of pedestrians. The fields have something for everyone, because some are helper friendly and others are as curved as the time required. Since the LS 2019 sets mainly on Placeable Objects, I have some large areas discretely camouflaged as a meadow are provided.
There are:
3 BGA’s with yard
2 yards
19 forests
1 big city
16 outlets
1 point of purchase for lime, fertilizer, manure and manure at the nursery.
33 field missions
1 hop plantation
1 sawmill
7 gas stations
New types of fruit are:
white cabbage
Red cabbage
Changes V1.1:
Log error corrected
Objects can be placed again
Traffic built in
Pedestrian installed
Added field missions
Land made purchasable
Some floating trees removed
New waterplane of the river
Many details built in (sidewalks, fences, gates, hydrants …)
Silo fruits processed
Some dirt roads embellished
Fault of gas stations fixed.
Edged border strip texture of the road
Changes V1.2:
Added: Lime, Compost, Fertilizer, Liquid Fertilizer, Seed Production, Pellet Production, Compound Feed Production, Pig Feed Production, Grass Drying,
• 1 apple plantation
• 1 pear plantation
• 1 cherry plantation
• 1 plum plantation
• flour
• Sugar
• Sand
• Earth
• gravel
• compost
• Apple
• cherry
• plum
• pear
• millet
• pellets
• mixed grain
• alfalfa
• sorghum millet
• Poppy
For errors or suggestions for improvement please contact me.
Modell: MN99Textur: MN99Script: MN99Idee / Konzept: MN99Tester: MN99Sonstige:MN99
save game just runs and runs
Are you using Courseplay ?
I have the same issued on the Felsbrunn Map, and when start the game over again ,my save data was gone ,the solutions was to turn off Courseplay , and its works again.
I have tried with mods on and with all mods off , still the same …
no sell points….
i can install
Buzz , it s problem with ‘placeable.lua’ i have the same problem with other map …..
every time the game save starts to save the map it just runs and runs .. i have to task man. out of the game and i loose all production … Any advice …
that is with or without my mods …
Hi Steve, is the save problem fixable
hi, this is a great map but unplayable untill the save game option is fixed. on saving the icon just goes round and round, 20 mins so far and still no save game. i have no mods in the folder
hi, this is a great map but unplayable untill the save game option is fixed. on saving the icon just goes round and round, 30 mins so far and still no save game. i have no mods in the folder
Anyone know if this map save is fixed yet .???
Hi Buzz, no fix for me. ive tried older versions of the map, ive tried with patch 1.3 and 1.4. ive tried with and aithout mods.. the log file has loads of errors, i love the map , the size and feachers are gr8 but unplayable and im well *issed off
Hi everyone. I installed the map, but in the production areas it doesn’t let me empty the load of the trailers. For example straw, silage and hay in the mixer. I already bought the area where the mixer is located, but do I need any more mod?
Thank you
Seasons don’t work (((