Yogiland 19.1 EN v1.0 FS19

Yogiland 19.1 EN v1.0 FS19
Basic Informationen for the Yogiland map:
– 4x map, square, flat, good … no useless collisions
– 21 fields, huge ones ranging from 15 to 534 acres
– 11 additional fruits: rye, spelt, millet, hops, tobacco, onion, carrot, cabbage, red cabbage, lettuce and asparagus
– 10 selling places
– 5 buying places: ore, holy water, limestone, farm silo and gas station
– 27 production sites: mashed potatoes, carrot juice, flour, bread, beer, diesel, fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, tomatoes, gold ore,
gold, hay, lime, ketchup, cake, coleslaw, forage, pellets, herbicide, seeds, pig food, sail, milk, silage, insence, cigarettes, sugar
– SeasonsMod ready
– Railway system: 4 trains on 2 tracks, many selling places and production sites connected, additional 4 deco-trains
– Reasonable starting setup regarding fields, vehicles and farm storage while starting as ‘New Farmer’
– German, identical map version available on Discord
mapper: onkelyogiBeta-Team english version: Nick The Hick, Papa Smurf, Dixie, Michael B., John, Morpheus, Dean, Dragon, Jason
There are no sell points on my map
Mine works fine all sell points etc. Just having problems with Ore do not get the right W190 with shovel.
You can buy ore for 100€/1.000L, use my New Holland W190D v.19.8.1 with the gold shovel
where can you get the gold shovel?
where can i find the New Holland W190D v19.8.1 with the gold shovel?
How can I collect my asparagus, i didn’t find any cutter for that guy!!!
how do you harvest asparagus
You need homepack oy there is a trailed cutter in it hope this helps.
you need LS19 HolmePack _OY it has a trailed cutter that you are looking for hope this helps
Hi none of the production sites are showing in the mape only main silo any help please
Is the map completely flat like no bumps or ditches at all?
Hi, has anyone found a solution for the map not fully loading? The map wasn’t saving for me and then I realised after a drive around that as Kevin mentioned it doesn’t load any selling points. I’ve deselected all mods and tried to run the map alone but still the same.
I love this map. Still cannot find shovel for iron ore, cannot unload Ketchup and carrot juice. I did downlaod all Yogi vehicles. Please assist if you have time.
DOS anyone know where all the sseds that it say is in the silo when you begin one tyhe map is we cant finttt it anywhere all silo is emty but it say ther eshut be 100k of many seeds in the silo
no useless collisions? Is there any way to stop the trains on the map?
Still waiting for version 3 so they can work out the bugs. The factory/industrial sites simply don’t work. Gold won’t mine, no way to pick up your ketchup, carrot juice, beer, or soy milk. Didn’t test the bread factory or the sail factory but I doubt they’ll work, either. The flour mill and sugar mill work fine. Didn’t test any of the chemical production sites and I won’t waste my time on that. I will test the diesel production in hopes it will work. But I will continue to play the map anyways even though I didn’t like wasting time and products testing the factory sites. The strength of this map is its lay-out and large fields. There is room to build lots of stuff and build it conveniently with map center as ground zero of your operations. You can bring in outside factory mods to make up for the stuff that doesn’t work. If they get the other stuff working this will be more than just a good map. This is a map to farm every which way on a very large scale.
can’t harvest Lettuce or get the ore as don’t have the vehicles for them, so if anyone knows what vehicles I need for them and where to get them I would appreciate it, in response to the person saying about the sails, they work fine, cotton in and sails out