ZETOR 16245 v1.0 FS19

ZETOR 16245 v1.0 FS19
Correction of the previous ZTS.
Configurations changed, bugs fixed, weight reduced.
75MB shrunk NA 28.MB
Power: 117 – 160 km
Max speed: 35 km / h
– multicolored plates, engine and frame, front weight and rims,
– front weight (standard, 200 kg, 540 kg or just like),
– tire configuration (trelleborg or michelin),
– wheel configuration with or without weights,
– metal or plastic fenders,
– flat or cut mask,
– inside, outside or outside front lamps with a grille,
– rear mud flaps (missing, short or long),
– turbo configuration (3 exhausts to choose from at turbo).
– trojkat configuration
GIANTS, Kasztan, MM